Be Someone's Secret Santa

Send anyone, anywhere a surprise gift via email.
This is a preview of the email that will be sent to your receiver
Someone just sent you a gift
to Name (
Your Secret Santa just sent you a gift
“Your gift message will appear here.”
View and accept the gift
You have 30 days to accept the gift.
How do I receive the gift?
You can withdraw your gift amount by following the link above and creating your Gift App account using
Create gift
Confirm and pay
Gift image
How it works?
Gift anything you like
Create and send a surprise gift to anyone via email
Gift is accepted
The recipient has 30 days to accept your gift
You’re charged
You are charged only when they accept your gift
Frequently Asked Questions
More questions? Drop us a line
Can I really send a gift to anyone?
Is there any fees?
Do you send the actual gift?
Is this whole thing safe?